Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2011 EMHS Newsletter

Note from the President- Even though Mid-Michigan is below the normal temperature for this time of year it appears that spring has finally started for us. The Hellebores are already starting to set seed, the Trillium are up and beginning to bloom, and the Japanese Maples are starting to leaf out. There is color bursting from the bare ground as well as the little buds we watched all winter. What sight could be more welcome this time of year?

Mark Hanner will be doing a PowerPoint Presentation on Japanese Maples for our next meeting. For those that have not already seen this program, you are in for a treat. For those that have previously seen Mark’s presentation, there are changes that will just add to the interest. So don’t miss this meeting which will be May 12th at 5:30 PM at the Mayfield Twp. Hall in Lapeer. The doors will open at 5:30, refreshments will begin at 6:00 PM, and Mark’s presentation will start at 7:00 PM.

Also at this meeting we will start selling raffle tickets for the Hosta Stone that was signed by Van Wade. Instead of Van accepting the Hosta Stone that is given to the hybridizer of the plant featured on that stone, Van Wade signed the stone to be used as a fund raiser for the club. Tickets will be sold at every meeting until the drawing is held. One thing that will be different for this raffle is that you will be asked to put your name on the ticket so if you are not present at the time of the drawing you can still be identified.

Next month begins our summer garden meetings. We look forward to seeing this years gardens and getting ideas for our own yards. May 12th is our last indoor meeting for 2011 and I hope to see every one of you there.

EMHS President

Next Meeting-The next meeting will be on May 12th, 2011 at the Mayfield Twp. Hall in Lapeer. Networking at 5:30 PM, Refreshments served at 6:00, Program at 7:00. The speaker will be Mark Hanner. Mark will give a presentation on Japanese Maples showing leaf type, texture, color, and form.

Refreshment Committee for May- is Maria Rowland, Jan Zawisa, and Deb Brown. Of course anyone is welcome to help out by bringing any snack that is fitting to the occasion.

2011 Calendar of Events
May 12th- Mark Hanner presenting a slide show on Japanese Maples
June 9th- Garden Meeting at the home of Jerry and Bernadette Perrou in Clio
July 14th- Garden Meeting at the home of Carolyn Pickard in Millington
August 12th- Garden Meeting at the home of Dyane Moore
September 8th- EMHS Plant Exchange at the home of Pam Walmsley in Grand Blanc
October 2011- No meeting scheduled
November 2011- No meeting scheduled
December 2011- Annual Christmas Party/Potluck, date to be announced

2011 Recycling Effort- Jane Schade spoke at our last meeting regarding the recycling efforts extra plastic flower containers. We have had members offer to collect the containers at our monthly meetings and deliver them to the drop-off points. All you have to do is bring your containers to the EMHS meeting and they will be collected for delivery to the drop-off.

SVHS Plant Sale- SVHS is holding a public plant sale on Wednesday, June 15th, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Andersen Enrichment Center, 120 Ezra Rust, Saginaw, Michigan. The second sale date is Friday, June 17th, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Downtown Saginaw Farmers Market, South Washington and Thompson. There will be many varieties of Hosta for sale, but please don’t expect to find a lot of Hellebores as they have sold out of the Hellebores already.

Hosta Stones- The 2011 Hosta Stones are still available for the Member price of $25 for the plain and $30 for the colored. For those that are not EMHS Members the prices are $30 for the plain and $35 for the colored. The stones have to be ordered in advance so please contact Mick and Cathy Hodgson at cehodgso@hotmail.com to place an order. We also still have a few of the “in stock” stones from previous years that are on sale for the price of $20 each. Please contact the Hodgsons’ for a list of availability.

EMHS Officers
President, Glen Pace pacegardens@charter.net 989-244-4029
Vice-President, Carolyn Pickard (no email) 989-871-2873
Treasurer, Mary Smith brooktrout@tds.net 989-871-9833
Secretary, Marlene Daniels gardenfairy50@aol.com 810-664-8317
Past President, Mark Hanner mhanner@aol.com 810-631-4292
Fund-Raising, Mick and Cathy Hodgson cehodgso@hotmail.com 810-664-8985

Recycling of plastic plant containers

Please bring your extra plastic pots to any EMHS meeting to have them picked up for delivery to a Recycling Drop-off.  This is a worthwhile effort that saves space in landfills and why not reuse them whenever possible.  For more information you can contact Jane Schade. 

April 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Networking began at 5:00 PM

Refreshments were served before the meeting was called to order.

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM by President Glen Pace

The Presentation:
Grey Gitzen gave a very informative presentation on Hellebores with wonderful pictures of the various species and some of the beautiful cultivars.

The business portion of the meeting followed the presentation.
Jane Schade talked about the recycling program for this year. EMHS Members were encouraged to bring their excess pots to meetings so that they can be taken to the recycling drop-offs. Some members have offered to transport all pots brought to the meetings to the drop-off points.

Raffle tickets were sold to raffle off the Hostas that were traded at Hosta College for a Hosta Stone. Ticket prices were as follows; 1 for $2, 3 for $5, or 7 for $10. The plants involved were H. “Little Treasure” and H. “Dragon Tails”. The raffle grossed $85.00 for a net profit to EMHS of $55.00.

The Door Prize drawing ensued to end the meeting. A thank you was given to all the people that donated items for the door prize drawing as well as those that brought food for the refreshment table.

The next meeting will be on May 12th, 2011 at the Mayfield Twp. Hall in Lapeer. The Speaker will be Mark Hanner giving a presentation on Japanese Maples.

The meeting was dismissed at 8:25 PM