Monday, November 18, 2013

December 2013 Newsletter

Note from the President-   I want to take this time to thank Phil and Ginger Lisik, Helen Wischmeyer, Rhonda Laur, and Mark and Becky Hanner for hosting meetings this year.  Every one of you was the perfect host and our thanks go out to you for your graciousness as a host as well as our acknowledgement of the time and dedication it takes to create the beautiful gardens you all have. 

Also, I want to thank our 2013 speakers; Jan Everson gave a wonderful presentation of the 2012 Nat’l Convention at our February meeting and Joseph Tychonievich gave a great presentation on companions for Hosta at our October meeting.  At the April and May meetings I gave presentations on Cypripedium Orchids and Woodland Wildflowers.  I mention the speakers and the topics for those Master Gardeners that need education hours as these presentations fall under those education needs. 

Thirdly, I want to thank all of the people who donated plants, crafts, and other items to the raffle and door prize drawings.  The monthly raffle drawings are one of the biggest fund raisers for EMHS and the door prize drawings are an added bonus for members and visitors attending the meetings.

Also, the many volunteers that haul Hosta Stones to Hosta College need to be recognized.  The Hosta Stone project managed by Cathy and Mick Hodgson is EMHS’s most organized fund raiser of the year.  This project would not be able to continue if the many volunteers weren’t there to haul the stones to Piqua as there is no way for one or two vehicles to transport the 70 or so stones taken to the sale every year.  Cathy and Mick have organized this project for a number of years and many thanks go out to them for their dedication to the project. 

Next, I want to thank all of the people that brought food for the potlucks throughout the year.  One of the things EMHS is known for is the fantastic potlucks at the monthly meetings and this year was no exception. 

Thanks also go out to Carolyn Pickard and Mary Smith for their work on coordinating the bus trip to Interlochen this past June.  This trip was greatly enjoyed by those on the bus.

Another thank you goes out to the EMHS Board.  This dedicated group of members continues to direct the entire group in an onward and upward fashion.  At our annual Board Meeting we discuss the plans for the next year which takes a number of hours, but again we brainstormed some exciting ideas for 2014. 

Lastly, I want to thank you, our members, for being the kind, helpful, sharing people you are toward each other and especially to our visitors.  Because of this, our club continues to grow and with that growth comes the ability to contract more well-known speakers which in turn assists us in our “Purpose” which is, to promote the interest of hostas and shade gardening; to extend horticultural education and activities to its members and the community.
See you at the December 12th meeting,

Please review the Minutes of the October Meeting prior to the December 12th meeting.  We will vote on the Minutes at the meeting. The minutes are posted on the blog for your convenience.

Next Meeting- THE EMHS 2013 Christmas Party will be held on December 12th, 2013 at the Mayfield Twp. Hall, 1900 N. Saginaw, Lapeer, MI 48446.  This is our regular meeting place located just south of the point of M-24 and N. Saginaw, (the driveway just north of the Cemetery).  The doors will open at 5:00 PM for decorating, Networking at 6:00 PM, Dinner at 6:30 PM, Gift Exchange at 7:30 PM, and Business Meeting at 8:15 PM.  For those wishing to help decorate you can arrive as early as 5:00PM.  This annual event is always a lot of fun and a great way to end the year for the club.  The Club will provide the meat (ham) and table set-ups.  We do ask that everybody bring a dish to pass as this is our biggest potluck of the year.  We will be doing the gift exchange as we have done in the past.  If you are interested in exchanging gifts, all you have to do is bring a wrapped non-gender-specific gift with a value of $10.  All the gifts will be laid at the front of the room and during the party we will call names from the sign-up sheet of the people who brought gifts.  If your name is called you go pick out a gift.  Nobody is required to bring a gift for the exchange, but if you do not bring one please understand that you will not be able to place your name on the list to pick one out.  This is the only way to assure that all people who bring a gift will receive one.

2014 Meeting Dates- Places- Speakers        *denotes need for topic, speaker, or place
Jan- no meeting
Feb 13- Mayfield Twp. Hall, Jan Everson-2013 Michigan Hosta Tour/Tailgate Party
March 14&15- Hosta College, Piqua, OH
*April 10- Mayfield Twp. Hall, Speaker___________________, Topic______________
May 1- Mayfield Twp. Hall, Speaker- Joseph Tychonievich, Topic- To be decided
*June 12- Member Garden Tour, Place______________________________
June 11-14- AHS Convention, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
June 20-22- Hosta Tailgate, Dayton, OH
*July 10- Member Garden Tour, Place_______________________________
August 14- Member Garden Tour at Diane O’Riordon’s
September 11- Annual Plant Exchange at Pam Walmsley’s
*Oct 9- Possible Meeting at Mayfield Twp. Hall, Speaker___________Topic__________
Nov 13- Annual Board Meeting
December 11- Christmas Party at Mayfield Twp. Hall

Gardens needed for 2014 Meeting sites- We are in need of meeting sites for the months of June and July.  If you are interested in hosting an EMHS meeting please let Glen know so your name can be added to the Calendar of Events.

Comments to the EMHS blog:  I am mentioning blog posting to let you know that your comments to the blog can be published too.  All you have to do is go to the EMHS blog at   and comment to a blog posting which will alert me that you have made a comment.  Once I deem the comment valid for publishing I will okay and it will automatically be posted.  Please note that I cannot edit or spell check your comments, all I can do is to publish, ignore, or delete your comments.  All comments will be screened by me to deter any vulgarity or inappropriate comments being published to the EMHS blog.    Glen

Club Members selling Hosta or related products;
Please call or email to set an appointment before visiting
Hanner, Mark/Becky- Pottery.  810-631-4292,
Hunter, Barb- Hosta, Daylilies, Pond supplies. 810-664-7531,
Lisik, Phil/Ginger-Hosta, Daylilies, other plants.  989-642-5772,
Moore, Dyane- Fairy houses
Pickard, Carolyn- Daylilies, Hosta.   989-871-2873,
Salk, Pat/Bill Kapustka, Daylilies.  810-678-3519,
Smith, Stan/Mary Lou, Concrete leaves, toad houses.  989-845-3455

Websites of Interest:
American Hosta Society-
American Hosta Society Convention Website-
AHS Hosta Library Website-
Michigan Hosta Society Website-
Eastern Michigan Hosta Society blog-
Hosta College Website-

Hosta Society Membership info-
American Hosta Society
,  $30 individual, $57/2 years, $34 family, $62/2 years
Send dues to: Sandie Markland, AHS Membership Secretary, Post Office Box 7539, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948

Michigan Hosta Society,
Dues are $15 per household for up to two people, good for 2 years. Make checks payable to: The Michigan Hosta Society and send to; Michigan Hosta Society, 2509 Wembly Lane, Troy, MI 48084-1280

Eastern Michigan Hosta Society, Dues $5 per year per household, Make check payable to EMHS and mail to: Barb Hunter, EMHS Treasurer, 316 Davis Lake Rd. Lapeer, MI 48746

EMHS Board of Officers:
President                     Glen Pace                989-244-4029
Vice-President          Pam Walmsley
---no email---                          810-964-2311
Treasurer                    Barb Hunter                     810-664-7531
Secretary                     Marlene Daniels         810-664-8317
Past President             Mark Hanner                      810-631-4292
Fund-Raising              Mick and  Cathy Hodgson         810-664-8985

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oct. 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes

The Meeting was held at the Mayfield Twp. Hall on October 10, 2013
The Board met at 3:00 PM with our speaker Joseph Tychonievich for dinner at EG Nick’s.
Doors opened at 5:30-Joseph’s book/plant sales
Refreshments served and sales at 6:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Glen Pace
Presentation-Glen introduced Joseph Tychonievich. Joseph gave an informative and eye appealing presentation on “Thinking Outside the Hosta: Great, unusual options for the shade garden”.
Business Meeting-called to order at 7:30 PM by President Glen Pace
Welcomed/Introduced-new members Tim Smith and Elaine Rappley and many visitors from Saginaw Valley Hosta Society.
Vice President update-Pam Walmsley has volunteered to be EMHS’s new Vice President. Thank you Pam.
Approval of Minutes- First we had to approve August meeting minutes as this was overlooked at the September meeting. There were no corrections to the August meeting minutes. Motion to accept was Steve Balabon and it was seconded by Connie Force.  The membership voted to accept the minutes.  There were no corrections to September’s meeting minutes.  Motion to accept was Don Mosher and seconded by Steve Balabon.  The membership voted to accept the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report-Barb Hunter, treasurer, September’s monthly balance as of 9-30-2013 was $4647.90.  Motion to accept was Becky Hanner and seconded by Diana Moore.  The membership voted to accept the treasurer’s report.
Hosta Stone report-Cathy Hodgson presented to us the hybridizer for the 2014 stone is Hans Hansen of Walter’s Gardens in Zeeland, MI and the featured plant is H. Joy Ride.  Old hosta stones are still available if interested please contact Cathy Hodgson.
Nematode Research-Mark Hanner reported that they have found out that they can be spread by-side by side.  Researchers are testing 23 different chemicals at present.  More updates will follow.
EMHS Christmas Party-December 12th at Mayfield Twp. Hall. There will be a $10.00 gift exchange as in previous years.  The club will provide the ham. Please bring a dish to pass.
2014 Meeting Dates-will again be the 2nd Thursday of each month with no meetings being held in January, March or November and possible no meeting in October.
Drawing:  Raffle drawing netted $210.00.  Thank you to the following for donating prizes for the raffle drawing and door prizes.  Glen Pace, Marie Rowland, Jan Giesken, Teresa Dillon, Susan Allen, Gene Arms, Mark and Becky Hanner, Rhonda Laur, Mary Smith, Bruce and Linda Pollard and Melva Bond.
Announcements-Sally Suttle will check to see if she can get H. Joy Ride for the club to take to Hosta College to sale along with the stones. 
Meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels
EMHS Secretary