Friday, November 11, 2016

December 2016 Newsletter

Note from the President- The September 8th Annual Plant Exchange was unbelievable with hundreds of plants donated for the event.  Thank you all for sharing!

EMHS is closing the 2016 year with the Annual Holiday Festivities and Gift Exchange on December 8th, 2016 at the Mayfield Township Hall in Lapeer, MI 48446.  This is our biggest potluck of the year so please bring your favorite dish to pass and plan on having a lot of Holiday fun.  The details of the event are covered later in this newsletter.

I want to thank all of the people who donated plants, crafts, and other items to the raffle and door prize drawings.  The monthly raffle drawings are one of the biggest fund raisers for EMHS and the door prize drawings are an added bonus for members and visitors attending the meetings.

Next, I want to thank all of the people that brought food for the potlucks throughout the year.  One of the things EMHS is known for is the fantastic potlucks at the monthly meetings and this year was no exception.

Another thank you goes out to the EMHS Board.  This dedicated group of members continues to direct the entire group in an onward and upward fashion.  At our annual Board Meeting, we discuss the plans for the next year which takes a number of hours, but ask you, our members to share your thoughts and ideas of what you would like to see planned for future meetings of EMHS.   At every meeting, we ask if there is any other topics of discussion, this is your chance to share your ideas or you can tell any Board Member so your thoughts can be shared. 

In this newsletter, you will find a proposed change to the EMHS by-laws.   Please read this proposed change as we will announce it at the December 8th meeting and vote on the proposal at the February 9th, 2017 meeting. 

Lastly, I want to thank you, our members, for being the kind, helpful, sharing people you are toward each other and especially to our visitors.  Because of this, our club continues to grow and with that growth comes the ability to contract more well-known speakers which in turn assists us in our “Purpose” which is, to promote the interest of hostas and shade gardening; to extend horticultural education and activities to its members and the community.

See you at the December 8th meeting,
Glen Pace
EMHS President

Next Meeting- The Annual Holiday Festivities on December 08, 2016 at the Mayfield Twp. Hall, 1900 N. Saginaw, Lapeer, MI 48446.  This is our regular meeting place located just south of the point of M-24 and N. Saginaw, (the driveway just north of the Cemetery). 
The time schedule for the evening is;
1700-   Open doors to Hall for Decorating
Networking, set-up refreshments, Sign-in
   Welcome and Introduce Visitors Dinner Served
  Business Meeting
1945    Gift Exchange

This annual event is always a lot of fun and a great way to end the year for the club.  The Club will provide the meat (ham) and table set-ups.  We do ask that everybody bring a dish to pass as this is our biggest potluck of the year. 

We will be doing the gift exchange as we have done in the past.  If you are interested in exchanging gifts, all you have to do is bring a wrapped non-gender-specific gift with a value of $10.  All the gifts will be laid at the front of the room and during the party we will call names from the sign-up sheet of the people who brought gifts.  When your name is called you go pick out a gift.  Nobody is required to bring a gift for the exchange, but if you do not bring one please understand that you will not be able to place your name on the list to pick one out.  This is the only way to assure that all people who bring a gift will receive one.

Review the September 8th, 2016 Meeting Minutes on the blog.  We will vote to accept the minutes at the December 8, 2016 meeting.

2017  EMHS Calendar of Events     ?denotes need for topic, speaker, and/or place
Meeting Dates- Places- Speakers/topic      
Jan – no meeting
Feb 9- Mayfield Twp. Hall, ?_____________
Mar – Hosta College – no meeting
April 13- Mayfield Twp. Hall- ?________________
May 11- Mayfield Twp. Hall, ?_________________
June 08- ?______________________, ?_________________
July 13- ?______________________, ?_________________
Aug 10- ?______________________, ?_________________
Sept 14 – ?______________________, Plant Exchange
Oct 12- Mayfield Twp. Hall, ?_________________
Nov 09- Annual Board Meeting, Whitey’s in Davison
Dec 14- Christmas Party, Mayfield Twp. Hall

Hosting a Summer Meeting- We need volunteers to host our summer meetings.  I will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting if you are willing to open your gardens to our group and host one of the summer member garden meetings. 

Proposed By-Law Change- At the November 10, 2016 Board Meeting it was decide that there needed to be a change to the by-laws under Article IV- Officers:  Add- *Election of Officers- The election of President and Treasurer shall be on even years.  The election of Vice-President and Secretary shall be on odd years. *  This proposal is to alleviate problems with Officer transition if multiple officers changed in any one year.     

Name Badges- If you need one of the new EMHS name badges, please put your printed name on the sign-up sheet at any meeting or you can email Glen with your request.  Glen will try to have your name badge at the next meeting. 

The EMHS T-shirts featuring Joseph Tychonievich's Hosta Addiction self-test are $18.00 each.  The only three left are XXL.        Contact Glen at

Comments to the EMHS blog:  I am mentioning blog posting to let you know that your comments to the blog can be published too.  All you have to do is go to the EMHS blog at  and comment to a blog posting which will alert me that you have made a comment.  Once I deem the comment valid for publishing I will okay and it will automatically be posted.  Please note that I cannot edit or spell check your comments, all I can do is to publish, ignore, or delete your comments.  All comments will be screened by me to deter any vulgarity or inappropriate comments being published to the EMHS blog.    Glen

Club Members selling Hosta or related products;
Please call or email to set an appointment before visiting
Daniels, Marlene- Bottle wind chimes.
Hanner, Mark/Becky- Pottery.
Hunter, Barb- Hosta, Daylilies, Pond supplies.
Lisik, Phil/Ginger-Hosta, Daylilies, other plants.
Pickard, Carolyn- Daylilies, Hosta.
     989-871-2873, robfamily5

Websites of Interest:
American Hosta Society-
American Hosta Society Convention-  
AHS Hosta Library Website-
Michigan Hosta Society Website-
Hosta College Website-

Hosta Society Membership info-
American Hosta Society
,  $30 individual, $57/2 years, $34 family, $62/2 years
Send dues to: Sandie Markland, AHS Membership Secretary, Post Office Box 7539, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948

Michigan Hosta Society, Dues are $15 per household for up to two people, good for 2 years. Make checks payable to: The Michigan Hosta Society and send to; Michigan Hosta Society, 2509 Wembly Lane, Troy, MI 48084-1280

Eastern Michigan Hosta Society, Dues $5 per year per household, Make check payable to EMHS and mail to: Barb Hunter, EMHS Treasurer, 316 Davis Lake Rd. Lapeer, MI 48746

Saginaw Valley Hosta Society, Dues $20 per year per household, Make check payable to SVHS and mail to: Gordon BurnsideSVHS Treasurer, 11640 W Freeland Rd. Freeland, MI 48623

EMHS Board of Officers:
President                     Glen Pace      989-244-4029
Vice-President             Becky Hanner             810-631-4292
Treasurer                     Barb Hunter               810-664-7531
Secretary                     Marlene Daniels         810-664-8317
Past President             Mark Hanner                  810-631-4292
Fund-Raising              Mick & Cathy Hodgson          810-664-8985

Meeting Minutes September 08, 2016

The Meeting – was held at the home of Ken & Marlene Daniels and it was our annual Plant Exchange.

Networking – 5:00 PM, setup refreshments, sign in and stroll through Ken & Marlene’s gardens.

Potluck – the meeting was called to order by President Glen Pace at 6:00 PM, everyone enjoyed a wonderful potluck dinner.

Business Meeting – we had a quick business meeting before the plant exchange. Glen Pace thanked Ken & Marlene for opening their home and gardens for the meeting.

Approval of Minutes – (August 11, 2016) – there were no corrections to the minutes from the August meeting.  Motion to accept the minutes was made by Cathy Hodgson, and seconded by Becky Hanner.  Membership voted to accept the August meeting minutes.

Treasurer’s report – Barb Hunter was not available, but had left the report with Glen Pace, He reported we had a beginning balance of $XXX.XX a total income of $XXX.XX and total expenditures of $XXX.XX leaving us with an ending balance of $XXX.XX for August 2016.  Steve Balabon made a motion to accept August’s treasurer report; it was seconded by Mick Hodgson.  Membership voted to accept August treasurer report.

Plant Exchange – This had to be our biggest plant exchange ever, in the amount of plants that were brought in... Everyone enjoyed the plant exchange and went home with some wonderful new plants & and a few other goodies.

Calendar of Events – There will be no October meeting.  Glen Pace will be speaking at the Michigan Garden Club if anyone would like to attend.  There is no meeting in November but the board will be meeting November 10, 2016 for the annual Board Meeting.  December 8 will be our Christmas Party held at Mayfield Twp. Hall.  Decorating will begin at 5:00 PM

T-Shirts – EMHS/Hosta Addiction t-shirts are still available (XXL only).  See Glen to purchase.

Name Badges – If you need a name badge please sign the available sheet.  First one free and replacements are $2.00 each.  Please save the magnet from the back of a ruined badge to save cost.

Other Announcements – Mark Hanner was recognized at the Michigan Hosta Society for his contributions to the many Hosta Societies in which he has held office with multiple Societies at one time.  Congratulations Mark!

Adjourned   The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM
Respectfully submitted
Marlene Daniels

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Note from the President- 
We are finally getting rain although the forecast is for a dry September.  My potted tropical bulbs we alive and growing slowly until two weeks ago when we got the first of 2 heavy rains when they started a growth spurt.  After last week’s heavy rain they started a heavy growth period.  I used to easily walk through the plants on the deck and now it looks like a potted jungle.  I truly hope all of your gardens are doing as well as my potted plants.

There is only another week before our annual plant exchange which is on September 8th.  If you have not already potted the plants you are planning to bring to the exchange I suggest you do it as soon as possible to give the plant some time to adjust to a pot.  

As always we ask you to not bring invasive plants to the exchange/meeting as they will not be permitted into the exchange.  This meeting is always a blast and everybody leaves with new plants (sometimes many plants) to use in their own yard.  

There are a couple of things to remember about the Plant Exchange meeting; bring something to exchange, each membership (single, couple, or family) gets only one name in the drawing canister, look things over as the drawing is being held as we have to go fast to get finished before dark.  The exchange is not limited to plants.  *Please put a name label in each plant you bring to the exchange.  Also, please do not bring any invasive species such as Lily of the Valley, Houttuynia (Chameleon plant), Ostrich Ferns, Bishops Weed, etc.  Suggestions of plants to bring are Hosta, companion plants, ornamental trees/shrubs, or garden related items such as bird houses, garden ornaments, watering wands, ornamental pots, etc.

When your name is called you can choose a plant form the main group or you can chose a plant from the $5.00 table, give Barb your name so she can keep track of your total, then pay Barb at the end of the Exchange. 

The September Meeting/Annual Plant Exchange will be held at the home of Ken & Marlene Daniels in Lapeer.  Don’t forget to bring your favorite dish to pass for the potluck, a chair to sit in, and at least one thing for the Plant Exchange.

For the September meeting I will start the business portion of the meeting while the potluck is underway to try and keep us from running the exchange after twilight.   Once we start the Exchange the name drawing will go quickly so please take a look at the plants in the exchange before your name is called. 
See you at the September 8th Annual Plant Exchange/meeting,
Glen Pace
EMHS President

Next Meeting- Our next meeting is on September 8, 2016 at the home of Ken & Marlene Daniels, 4371 McDowell Rd., Lapeer, MI 48446.  Their phone number is 810-664-8317. 
The time schedule for the evening is;
5:00 Tour Gardens/Networking
6:00 Potluck
7:00 Plant Exchange

I will tally the attendance records of each member and the drawing will be held according to the number of meetings each membership has attended.  This tally sheet will be available for the membership to review as well as all of the attendance sign-in sheets from each meeting.

Driving Directions- these directions route you around construction on Millville Rd.
(from our regular meeting place of the Mayfield Twp. Hall) – Turn Left (South) onto M-24 and drive 2 mile to W. Oregon Rd.  Turn right (West) and drive 3.2 miles to Gray Rd.  Turn right (North) and drive 1.3 miles to McDowell Rd.  Turn left (West) and drive 7/10ths of a mile to the house on the left.  The EMHS sign will be at the driveway.

Review the August 11th, 2016 Meeting Minutes on the blog.  We will vote to accept the minutes at the September 8, 2016 meeting.

2016  Calendar of Events    
Sept 8 EMHS Plant Exchange, Daniels Garden
Nov 10- Annual Board Meeting
Dec 8- Christmas Party, Mayfield Twp. Hall

Name Badges- If you need one of the new EMHS name badges, please put your printed name on the sign-up sheet at any meeting or you can email Glen with your request.  Glen will try to have your name badge at the next meeting. 

The EMHS T-shirts featuring Joseph Tychonievich's Hosta Addiction self-test are $18.00 each.  The only two left are XXL.        Contact Glen at
Comments to the EMHS blog:  I am mentioning blog posting to let you know that your comments to the blog can be published too.  All you have to do is go to the EMHS blog at  and comment to a blog posting which will alert me that you have made a comment.  Once I deem the comment valid for publishing I will okay and it will automatically be posted.  Please note that I cannot edit or spell check your comments, all I can do is to publish, ignore, or delete your comments.  All comments will be screened by me to deter any vulgarity or inappropriate comments being published to the EMHS blog.    Glen

Club Members selling Hosta or related products;
Please call or email to set an appointment before visiting
Daniels, Marlene- Bottle wind chimes.
Hanner, Mark/Becky- Pottery.
Hunter, Barb- Hosta, Daylilies, Pond supplies.
Lisik, Phil/Ginger-Hosta, Daylilies, other plants.
Pickard, Carolyn- Daylilies, Hosta.
     989-871-2873, robfamily5

Websites of Interest:
American Hosta Society-
American Hosta Society Convention-  
AHS Hosta Library Website-
Michigan Hosta Society Website-
Hosta College Website-

Hosta Society Membership info-
American Hosta Society
,  $30 individual, $57/2 years, $34 family, $62/2 years
Send dues to: Sandie Markland, AHS Membership Secretary, Post Office Box 7539, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948

Michigan Hosta Society, Dues are $15 per household for up to two people, good for 2 years. Make checks payable to: The Michigan Hosta Society and send to; Michigan Hosta Society, 2509 Wembly Lane, Troy, MI 48084-1280

Eastern Michigan Hosta Society, Dues $5 per year per household, Make check payable to EMHS and mail to: Barb Hunter, EMHS Treasurer, 316 Davis Lake Rd. Lapeer, MI 48746

Saginaw Valley Hosta Society, Dues $20 per year per household, Make check payable to SVHS and mail to: Gordon BurnsideSVHS Treasurer, 11640 W Freeland Rd. Freeland, MI 48623

EMHS Board of Officers:
President                     Glen Pace      989-244-4029
Vice-President             Becky Hanner             810-631-4292
Treasurer                     Barb Hunter               810-664-7531
Secretary                     Marlene Daniels         810-664-8317
Past President             Mark Hanner                  810-631-4292
Fund-Raising              Mick & Cathy Hodgson          810-664-8985

August 11, 2016 Meeting Minutes

The Meeting – was held at Steve and Marilyn Balabon’s home
Networking – 5:00 pm Gardens open, sign in, networking
Refreshments – 6:00 pm the meeting was called to order by President Glen Pace, Glen thanked the Balabon’s for opening their home and gardens for the club and a wonderful potluck was enjoyed by all.
Approval of Minutes – there were no changes to the minutes from the July 2016 meeting.  Motion to accept the minutes was made by Mick Hodgson and seconded by Connie Force.  The membership voted to accept the July meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Barb Hunter, treasurer gave a report for July 2016, beginning balance was $XX.XX and total income of $XX.XX and total expenditures of $XX.XX leaving the club with an ending balance of $XX.XX.  Motion to accept the report was made by Cathy Hodgson and seconded by Ken Daniels.  The membership voted to accept July’s treasurer’s report.
Calendar of Events – Our next meeting is the plant exchange and the meeting will be held at Ken and Marlene Daniels home.  Glen asked that no invasive plants be brought. There will be no meeting in October and November; December 8th will be our annual Christmas party at Mayfield Twp. Hall.
Reminders – EMHS/Hosta addiction t-shirts are still available, see Glen to purchase.  If you need a new name badge sign the sheet and Glen will have one for you at the next meeting. First is free and a replacement is $2.00.
Raffle – Thank you to Mick and Cathy Hodgson for their donation for the raffle.  The club made $XX.XX Also thank you to Glen Pace, Steve & Marilyn Balabon, Dyane Moore, Don Mosher for their donations for door prizes.
Next meeting – Our next meeting will be held at the home of Ken & Marlene Daniels and is our annual plant exchange.
Other announcements – Cathy Hodgson announced that Hosta Hillside cleanup was going to be August 21.  Also she asked if the club would donate Hosta Joy Ride for the auction that day.  The club agreed to donate the hosta. Steve Ballabon offered hollowed logs, free for the taking.
Adjourned – A motion was made by Linda Pollard to adjourn the meeting and Paulette Johnson seconded it.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted
Marlene Daniels

Note from Marlene;
Let’s see who reads the minutes, please enjoy your visit at our home, and while wandering count how many “water features” we have, not including the pond.  All correct answers will be put in a drawing for a bottle wind chime. 
Have fun

Ken & Marlene Daniels

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Meeting on August 11th, 2016 at Steve and Marilyn Balabon's gardens.

Thank you Steve and Marilyn for sharing your beautiful gardens with EMHS!!!

Hosta "Guacamole" 

Many of the Balabon's Hosta beds are raised, here is one example.

More raised Hosta bed area

Examples of nicely grown Hosta

Hosta "Island Charm"

Hosta "Cool as a Cucumber"

Hosta "Bailey's Cream"

Hosta "Grape Fizz"

H. "Grape Fizz" bloom stalk elongating

The cabin near the pond with a resident fawn passing by.

Getting a photo of the entire group is near impossible, but here is a good representation of the wonderful EMHS members present at the meeting at the Balabon's.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

August 2016 Newsletter

Note from the President- No rain has fallen in weeks and the garden hoses are getting a daily work-out.  Does this sound familiar to your house too?  The total rainfall at Pace Gardens since May 1, 2016 is 6.32 inches.  May gave us 1.35 inches of rain, June was the wet month at 2.95 inches, and July with temps in the 90’s most days has given us a meager 2.02 inches and there is no way to keep up with the plant’s needs when there is one spigot of water to tap.  Every day we go out into the gardens to assess which gardens are showing the worst symptoms of drought so they can be watered first or at least as soon as the sun us no longer on that garden so it can be watered without scalding the leaves of the plants.  To find a bright side to this, consider this a test to find out which plants are able to withstand some drought then make notes for future reference.  Share your findings with others and compare notes to make a list of plants you can recommend to others.

Our meeting last month at Gene and Louise Arms was a lot of fun with hundreds of Hosta to look at and everybody got to take a Hosta home with them thanks to Gene and Louise.  Gene said that the volunteer seedling Hosta were plants from Mick Hodgson’s gardens that were self-sown a few years back.  Gene’s Gardens are a great place to figure out Hosta identity simply because he has so many marked named varieties that you can walk through and compare a leaf to plants that resemble your leaf until you find a match.  Off to the side of Gene’s main gardens is a small multi-level garden of Hosta which Ethan (Gene & Louise’s grandson) is the proud owner.  There is a picture on the blog of Ethan with his garden.  Ethan wants to be a Hosta hybridizer and at his age he has the capability of seeing many generations of seedlings from his hybridizing efforts.   Big thanks go out to Gene and Louise for sharing their gardens with us as well as for their wonderful hospitality.  I also want to thank Ethan for showing us his garden and helping people throughout the entire evening.

Our next meeting is at Steve and Marilyn Balabon’s home.  Steve said their house is back in the woods so when your GPS says you are there, you’re not keep driving back into the woods.  I look forward to this meeting as this is my first time seeing the Balabon’s gardens. 
A few things to remember about the EMHS Summer meetings at members gardens;
Bring your own folding chair to sit in
Bring your favorite dish to pass for the potluck
Dress for the weather (sunscreen/umbrella)
Be prepared to have a great time
Leave once the meeting is dismissed to give the gardener time to unwind after the meeting
See you at the August 11th meeting,
Glen Pace
EMHS President

Next Meeting- Our next meeting is on August 11, 2016 at the home of Steve & Marilyn Balabon, 8279 Marys Lane, Fostoria MI 48435 and their phone number is 989-795-2700. 
The time schedule for the evening is;
5:00 Tour Gardens/Networking
6:00 Potluck
7:00 Business Meeting

Driving Directions-
(from our regular meeting place of the Mayfield Twp. Hall) – Drive North on M-24 for 13.5 miles to Millington Road.  Turn left (West) and drive 2.5 miles to Mary’s Lane.  Turn right (North) and drive 4/10ths of a mile to the house.  Steve Balabon says GPS will stop you at the edge of the woods……the house is back in the woods at the end of Mary’s Lane.  The EMHS sign will be at the corner of Millington Rd. and Mary’s Lane.

2016  Calendar of Events     ?denotes need for topic, speaker, and/or place
Aug 11- Garden Tour at the Balabon Garden
Sept 8 EMHS Plant Exchange, Daniels Garden
Nov 10- Annual Board Meeting
Dec 8- Christmas Party, Mayfield Twp. Hall

Review the July 14th, 2016 Meeting Minutes on the blog.  We will vote to accept the minutes at the August 11, 2016 meeting.

Name Badges- If you need one of the new EMHS name badges, please put your printed name on the sign-up sheet at any meeting or you can email Glen with your request.  Glen will try to have your name badge at the next meeting. 

The EMHS T-shirts featuring Joseph Tychonievich's Hosta Addiction self-test are $18.00 each.  The only two left are XXL.        Contact Glen at

The proceeds from the sale of this shirt go to promote our “Purpose” which is, to promote the interest of hostas and shade gardening; to extend horticultural education and activities to its members and the community.
Comments to the EMHS blog:  I am mentioning blog posting to let you know that your comments to the blog can be published too.  All you have to do is go to the EMHS blog at  and comment to a blog posting which will alert me that you have made a comment.  Once I deem the comment valid for publishing I will okay and it will automatically be posted.  Please note that I cannot edit or spell check your comments, all I can do is to publish, ignore, or delete your comments.  All comments will be screened by me to deter any vulgarity or inappropriate comments being published to the EMHS blog.    Glen

Club Members selling Hosta or related products;
Please call or email to set an appointment before visiting
Brown, Deb- Aeroponic Tower Garden.
Daniels, Marlene- Bottle wind chimes.
Hanner, Mark/Becky- Pottery.
Hunter, Barb- Hosta, Daylilies, Pond supplies.
Lisik, Phil/Ginger-Hosta, Daylilies, other plants.
Pickard, Carolyn- Daylilies, Hosta.
     989-871-2873, robfamily5

Websites of Interest:
American Hosta Society-
American Hosta Society Convention-  
AHS Hosta Library Website-
Michigan Hosta Society Website-
Hosta College Website-

Hosta Society Membership info-
American Hosta Society
,  $30 individual, $57/2 years, $34 family, $62/2 years
Send dues to: Sandie Markland, AHS Membership Secretary, Post Office Box 7539, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948

Michigan Hosta Society, 
Dues are $15 per household for up to two people, good for 2 years. Make checks payable to: The Michigan Hosta Society and send to; Michigan Hosta Society, 2509 Wembly Lane, Troy, MI 48084-1280

Eastern Michigan Hosta Society, Dues $5 per year per household, Make check payable to EMHS and mail to: Barb Hunter, EMHS Treasurer, 316 Davis Lake Rd. Lapeer, MI 48746

Saginaw Valley Hosta Society, Dues $20 per year per household, Make check payable to SVHS and mail to: Gordon BurnsideSVHS Treasurer, 11640 W Freeland Rd. Freeland, MI 48623

EMHS Board of Officers:
President                     Glen Pace      989-244-4029
Vice-President             Becky Hanner             810-631-4292
Treasurer                     Barb Hunter               810-664-7531
Secretary                     Marlene Daniels         810-664-8317
Past President             Mark Hanner                  810-631-4292
Fund-Raising              Mick & Cathy Hodgson          810-664-8985