The Meeting – was held
at the Mayfield Twp. Hall
Networking – 5:00 PM,
doors open, setup refreshments sign in, pay dues
Refreshments – The
meeting was called to order by President Glen Pace, everyone enjoyed a
wonderful potluck.
Presentation – Glen
Pace introduced Melissa Jaskiewicz, bee keeper, she also raises dairy
goats. The club enjoyed her presentation
“Beekeeping” and tasting the many different honeys she had bought.
Break – 7:50
Business Meeting – the
meeting was called back to order at 8:10 PM by President Glen Pace.
Approval of Minutes –
there were no corrections to the minutes from the February meeting. Motion to accept the minutes was made by
Paulette Johnson and seconded by Steve Balabon.
The membership voted to accept the February meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report –
There was no treasure report given due to having a speaker. February’s beginning balance was $xxx.xx;
total income for the month was $xxx.xx leaving us with an ending balance of
$xxx.xx for the end of February.
March’s beginning balance was $xxx.xx; total income for the month was
xx cents, leaving the club with an ending balance of $xxx.xx for the month of
Audit of Treasury –
Glen Pace thanked Mark Hanner, Barb Hunter, Bruce Pollard and Deb Brown for
auditing the treasurer’s books.
Annual Fund Raiser –
Glen Pace thanked Cathy & Mick Hodgson and Gene Arms for taking over the
Plant sale fund raiser, plants were available at the meeting for purchasing.
Announcements – Ethan
Griffith has successfully grown baby hosta from seed. Way to go Ethan.
Raffle – We brought in
$xx.xx in raffle, thank you to Jan Geisken, Mark & Becky Hanner, Teresa
Dillion, Jim & Lorraine Jessop and thank you Dyane Moore for the wonderful
door prizes.
Next Meeting - Our
next meeting is May 11, 2017 at Mayfield Twp. Hall
Adjourned - 8:26 PM
motion was made by Ethan Griffith
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels
EMHS Secretary