Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meeting Minutes August 5th, 2010

The meeting was held at the home of Carol Leonard in Leonard, MI

Networking and touring the gardens 6PM-6:30 PM

Refreshments 6:30 PM- 7:15PM

Called to order at 7:15 PM by President Glen Pace

Thanks given by Glen Pace to Pat Salk and Bill Kapustka for the meeting held at their home last month and them dealing with the bad weather and still providing a wonderful place to hold the meeting. Thanks also given to Carol Leonard for hosting this meeting.

Bus Trip to Ohio- Mark Hanner gave a short synopsis of the Bus Trip to Ohio and the places visited during that trip. All attendees had a wonderful time on this trip. We will consider doing this trip in the future.

Applewood Tour- Glen Pace gave a synopsis of the Applewood Tour. 25 people attended this outing. We will consider doing this tour again.

Allergy Reaction- Glen asked that people bringing dishes for the refreshments please mark them if they contain common food allergens, i.e. nuts, sugar substitutes, dairy, etc. One of our members had an allergic reaction after a meeting and this would hopefully alleviate the issue from occurring again.

Bob Solberg- Presentation will be at Mayfield Twp. Hall on September 23rd at 5PM. Bob will speak on Mini Hosta and growing Hosta in containers. He will be bringing plants for sale. SVHS is giving EMHS $200 toward the cost of the presentation and will be invited to join us. All EMHS members are to bring food for refreshments as the SVHS members will be travelling a long distance to get to the meeting.

Raffle- Raffle ticket brought in $125.00. Thanks to Richard and Maria Rowland for donating the glass sculpture and Judy Lamphere for donating the glass flower. 

Door Prize-  The door prize drawing was held and many went home with new garden treasures.  Thanks to Carol Leonard for the bottle tree and all others that donated plants as door prizes.

Next Meeting- September 2nd at Pace Gardens. Our annual plant exchange. Members to bring plants for the exchange. Meeting will begin at 6PM instead of our regular 7PM. Networking will begin at 5PM.

Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM

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