The Meeting was held at the home of Dick and Carolyn Pickard in Millington, MI. Networking began at 1750, refreshments were served at 1840, and the meeting was called to order at 1920.
Pat Carson- an update was given on her health status. Members were informed that we would be making a date to go clean and weed her gardens. The date will be soon.
Pam Walmsley’s husband, Jim is scheduled to have kidney surgery the last week of July.
Plant a Tree in a Michigan State Forest – Judy Lamphere gave an overview of the drive and Glen to add the info to the EMHS blog.
Glen thanked all the Board Members for their volunteer efforts for EMHS.
Treasurers Report- Mary gave an approximate balance of $2000.00 in the EMHS account. This was pending checks received for membership and payouts.
Fund Raising- Cathy gave a report on the current status of the Hosta Stones available and orders that have yet to be picked up.
Officers Reports- No other officers had reports to announce.
Master Gardener Tour- Nancy Reno and Barb Hunter discussed the Lapeer Area Master Gardener’s Tour set for July 30th. Glen is to place the info on blog with contact info.
Door prizes- Nine people won door prizes that were donated by members.
Special Prize Fundraiser- Ticket sales netted $57.00 to be used for EMHS functions and Education.
Refreshment Committee- Members were asked to sign up for refreshments for the next two meetings.
Next Meeting- the next meeting will be on August 11th, 2011 at the Home of Dyane Moore in Vassar, MI. Dyane was reminded to take the EMHS sign home from this meeting to place in her yard next month.
Demonstration- Mick and Cathy Hodgson brought Banana trees to the meeting and Glen gave a demonstration of how to divide them.
Adjournment- Since most everybody had left the meeting by the time Glen finished the demonstration, no official adjournment was made.
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