The Meeting
was held at the Mayfield Twp. Hall on April 11th, 2013
The doors
opened at 5:00 PM
Networking began
at 6:00 PM
were served at 6:30
The meeting
was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Glen Pace.
Glen Pace presented a program
on Cypripedium Orchids.
Approval of Minutes: there were no corrections to the February meeting minutes. Motion
to accept the minutes as written was made by Mark Hanner and seconded by
Carolyn Pickard. The membership voted and motion was carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Barb Hunter, treasurer, reported March’s monthly balance. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s
Report was made by Paulett Johnson and seconded by Cathy Hodgson. The membership
voted to accept the treasurer report, motion carried.
Nematode Research Mark Hanner spoke to the membership about the nematode research
and new information that was provided to him. Mark is on the Review Committee
for the research. A motion was made by Paulette Johnson that we give a one-time
$500.00 donation to the Nematode Research Fund; it was seconded by Connie
Force. After a vote (22 in favor, 2 opposed and 2 abstained) the motion was
carried. Updates of progress will be provided to the club by Mark Hanner.
Hosta stone update
from Hosta College was presented by Cathy Hodgson.
The Interlocken bus trip still has seats available. The trip will be on June 27th
leaving the Birch Run Meijer parking lot at 8:00AM and will be returning
approximately at 8:45PM. May 1st is the deadline for signing up and paying if
you intend to be going. Any questions please contact Carolyn Pickard.
Saginaw Valley Hosta Society June 22nd MI Hosta Garden Walk. Cost will be $41.00 or
$32.00, dependent on number of participants. If interested please contact Grey
Gitzen @ 989-792-0615 or
Nominations for Vice president were presented to the membership. There were no nominations. Glen
Pace has asked the membership to think about volunteering for the position.
Speaker for October’s meeting
will be Joseph Tychonievich from Arrowhead Alpines. His fee is $250.00. This meeting will be open to the public. Only light snacks for this meeting.
Drawing : 50/50 raffle $40.50 prize
won by Jan Zawisa.
Next meeting
will be May 9th, 2013 at Mayfield Twp. Hall, topic is Wonderful
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels
EMHS Secretary
From notes taken by
Nancy Reno
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