The Meeting
was held at the Mayfield Twp. Hall on February 13, 2014
Doors opened
at 5:30 pm for networking, sign in, dues, plant sale, ordering of hosta stones
and club t-shirts.
served at 6:15
The meeting
was called to order by President Glen Pace and Glen introduced our speaker Jan
– Jan Everson’s presentation was the 2013 MHS Garden Tour and 2013 GLRHS
Business Meeting started at 8:15 pm by President Glen Pace
Approval of Minutes- there were no corrections to the minutes from December 2013
meeting. Motion to accept minutes made
by Dyane Moore and seconded by Betty Stange. The membership voted to accept the
Treasurer’s Report-Barb Hunter, treasurer, as of January 31, 2014, the end of the
month balance was $------. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was
made by Deb Brown and seconded by Paulette Johnson .
Glen Pace
informed the membership that “Indiana Bob” Balitewicz died January 26, 2014.
Glen Pace
reminded the membership of the 2014 EMHS Hosta sale must have 10 of each
variety sold to be able to order that variety. Delivery will be at the May
Hosta research report- Mark Hanner said as of today’s date there was no new information
Business cards- Glen Pace has printed business cards for EMHS. They are available
for members to have something to give to people that show interest in joining
our group. They are available to anyone
that would like them.
Name badges-
signup sheet is available for those that need a name badge. Reminder to
membership that first one is free and replacements are $2.00 each.
Arrowhead Alpines- field trip will be in May.
Joseph Tychonievich will be our speaker for the May meeting. The board decided to car pool to Arrowhead in
Fowlerville then travel on to Gee Farms in Stockbridge. No date has been set yet for this trip. Details will be forwarded once they have been
Hosta College-This
is Hosta College’s 21st anniversary. Details for registration were
given out as well as the web site for Hosta College.
EMHS Hosta Stone sale at Hosta College- people are needed March 14 to help transport stones, stands,
plants, t-shirts. Discussion-
the number of members allowed in our vendor area. Update- This matter has been resolved.
T-Shirts-EMHS/Hosta Addiction
shirts are $18.00 each to EMHS members. Non-member price is $20.00 each. A few are available tonight. Order sheets are at the back of the room.
Hosta stones-featuring
Hans Hansen’s H. “Joy Ride” Order sheets are at the back of the room. Members
pay $30.00 Natural & $35.00 Colored , non-members pay $35.00 Natural & $40.00 Colored.
Hosta Stone sale-2012 featuring H. “Alakazaam”
3-Iron at $30.00 each, 2-brown at
$30.00 each, 1-moss at $30.00 . 2011 featuring H. “American Halo” 2-natural
at $25.00 each. 2008-featuring H.
“Joshua’s Banner” 1-natural at $25.00.
Hosta Joy Ride project-Thank you to Walter’s Gardens for the 100 plants to be sold
at Hosta College. The club will be selling the plants for $10.00, alongside the
stones featuring the plant from their facility.
Also a big thank you to Sally Suttle for taking care of the plants until
we can transport them to hosta college.
Club tax exempt status- We are a 501c7 not a 501c3, which means that contributions to
the club are not tax deductible.
2014 calendar of events-April meeting still needs a speaker and June and July meetings
still needs someone to volunteer their garden and home to meet at. Need ideas for October meeting also.
50/50 raffle-$31.00
Next meeting-April
10th, 2014 at Mayfield Twp. Hall.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels
EMHS Secretary
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