The Meeting
was held at the Mayfield Twp. Hall On April 10th, 2014
Doors opened at
5:00 pm for networking, sign in, dues, plant sales, hosta stones, t-shirt sales
and raffle ticket sales.
The meeting-
was called to order by President Glen Pace at 6:10 pm
served at 6:15 pm
Presentation –
Glen Pace was our speaker, his presentation: What is Hosta College? Afterwards a questionnaire was passed out to
the members to get feedback to Glen for improvements or suggestions on his
presentation. Glen announced that this presentation would be given to the Hosta
College Board for them to use to persuade people to attend Hosta College in the
Business Meeting- started at 8:00 pm by President Glen Pace
Approval of Minutes- there were no corrections to the minutes from February 2014
meeting. Motion to accept minutes made by Paulette Johnson and seconded by
Steve Balabon. The membership voted to
accept the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report- Barb Hunter, Treasurer, February 2014 end of the month balance
was $4,979.71. March 2014 end of the
month balance was $5,057.91. Motion to
accept the treasurer’s report was made by Pat Maitlin and seconded by Carol
Leonard. The membership voted to accept
the treasurer’s report.
2014 EMHS Hosta Sale- Glen explained that we must have 10 of each variety sold to be
able to order that variety however the Solbergs’ are willing to work with
us. Order sheets were available. Plants will be delivered at the May 1st
Name badges-if
any member needs a badge please sign up on sheet at back of room. Remember if you need a replacement badge it
will cost $2.00 and please save the magnet from the back of the badge if at all
T-shirts-EMHS/Hosta Addiction
shirts are $18.00 each for members and $20.00 for non-members. Sizes still available L-XL-XXL-XXXL
Hosta Stones-featuring
Hans Hansen’s H. “Joy Ride” are still available members $30.00 natural colored
and $35.00 colored, non-member prices $35.00 and $40.00. See Cathy Hodgson for
stones available.
Stone Sale-Cathy
Hodgson still has older stones available at sale prices: 2013 Iron (3)@$30.00 each, 2012 Brown (2) $30.00 each, 2011 Natural-(1) @ $25.00. We also have 4 stone stands available @
$20.00 each.
Arrowhead Alpines Nursery fieldtrip-We will be carpooling for this fieldtrip. Please meet at Arrowhead Alpines Nursery at
9:00 am. After Arrowhead we will go on to Gee Farms in Stockbridge. More info to announced at May Meeting.
Raffle drawing- Thank-you
to Maria Rowland and Marlene Daniels for donating prizes for the raffle
drawing. Also thanks to Stan Smith for
donating items for the door prizes.
Daniels, Secretary, suggested to those who receive “snail mail” to save the
2014 Calendar of Events, because it would not be printed out in every
*Mark & Becky Hanner
announced that they will be having 2 pottery classes on May 3rd, one
at 10:00 am to 12:00pm and the next class will be at 2:00 pm to approximately
5:00pm. The cost of the class is $35.00.
*Cathy Hodgson would
like our members to be thinking of a Michigan Hybridizer for the 2015 hosta
Next meeting-Make
note that the May meeting is May 1st, 2014 the first Thursday of the
month instead of the second Thursday of the month. Our speaker will be Joseph Tychonievich and
he will be bringing plants to sell.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:40
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels
EMHS Secretary
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