Friday, August 14, 2015

August 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes

The Meeting – was held at the home of Dyane Moore

Networking – 5:00 PM, setup refreshments, sign in and stroll through Dyane’s gardens.

Potluck – the meeting was called to order by President Glen Pace at 6:00 PM, everyone enjoyed a wonderful potluck dinner.

Business Meeting – meeting was called back to order by President Glen Pace at 6:48 PM, visitors were introduced.

Approval of Minutes (July 9, 2015) – There were no corrections to the minutes from the July 9, 2015 meeting.  Motion to accept the minutes was made by Don Mosher and it was seconded by Steve Balabon.  Membership voted to accept the July’s meeting minutes.

Treasurer’s report – Barb Hunter, treasurer, had three reports –May, June, & July.
May’s beginning balance was $xxx.xx with total income for the month of $xxx.xx and total expenditures of $xxx.xx leaving us with an ending balance of $xxx.xx.  Motion to accept May’s treasure report was made by Cathy Hodgson with a second by Linda Pollard.  Membership voted to accept May’s treasure report.
June’s beginning balance was $xxx.xx with total income for the month of $xxx.xx and no expenditures leaving us with an ending balance of $xxx.xx.  Motion to accept June’s treasure report was made by Don Mosher and seconded by Steve Balabon.  Membership voted to accept June’s treasure report.
July’s beginning balance was $xxx.xx with total income of $xxx.xx and total expenditures of $xxx.xx leaving us with an ending balance of $xxx.xx.  Deb Brown had a question as to why we had paid almost $xxx in plants with no showing income.  President Glen Pace and Treasurer Barb Hunter explained that money had been received in February of 2015 when the club held the plant sale but the bill for the sale had just been paid.  Motion to accept July’s treasure report was made by Don Mosher and seconded by Deb Brown.  Membership voted to accept July’s treasure report.

Calendar of Events – Glen Pace went over the upcoming meetings. Noting that our October meeting we will be sharing with Saginaw Valley Hosta Society and we will only be having cookies and finger foods because of the large crowd expected that night. The board also decided not to open it up to the public.

T-Shirts –EMHS/Hosta Addiction t-shirts are still available.  $18.00 each 2x and 3x only available.

Name Badges –sign sheet if you need one.

Succulents – The club still has succulents available; see Cathy Hodgson or Gene Arms if interested in purchasing.

New business - First Blush is still available for sale ($75.00), if it is not sold by the September meeting the club will raffle it off.  Anyone interested in the raffle is asked to bring $5.00 bill, write your name on it.  If we do not receive $75.00 for the raffle those that put in $5.00 will receive their money back.  The club MUST have at least $75.00 for this because that is the price the club paid for it. 

Raffle – Our raffle brought in $xxx.xx. Thank you to Gene Arms, Jan Geisken, Cathy & Mick Hodgson, Teresa Dillon, Glen Pace and Land of the Giant Hostas for their donations.  Also thanks to Joy Boots, Glen Pace, Mark & Becky Hanner, Dyane Moore, Betty Stange, Mick & Cathy Hodgson and Darlene Nadane for their donations for our door prizes.

Next meeting – September 10th, 2015 at the home of Nancy and Marvin Marttila in Lapeer.  This is also our annual plant exchange.

Adjourned – Cathy Myers made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned it was seconded by Mick Hodgson. The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels

EMHS Secretary

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