The Meeting – was held
at the the Mayfield Twp. Hall on April 12, 2018
Opened – at 5:00 pm for Networking, setting up refreshments, sign in and
paying dues, and plant pickup.
called to order – 6:00 pm Potluck was enjoyed by all.
Meeting – 6:35 pm meeting was called back to order by President Glen Pace
Approval of
Minutes – February 2018 there were no corrections to the minutes from
February. Motion to accept the minutes were made by Becky Hanner and it was
seconded by Bruce Pollard. Membership voted to accept the February minutes.
Report – there was no report given, because we had a guest
speaker. If anyone would like they could see Barb Hunter, Treasurer and she
would show the report.
College – March 16 & 17 , 2018 EMHS had a good show of members to
attend the Hosta College, if you haven’t ever been you should think about
attending a good time is had by all, especially the after party at the hotel.
Election Of
Officers – President and treasurer positions were up for election this
year. There were no volunteers to take either position, so Glen Pace and Barb
Hunter offered to stay on in their current positions.
EMHS Plant
Sale 2018 – Kathy Hodgson said there were a few plants left if anyone would
like one and they are $10.00.
May Meeting – the May
meeting will be different this year, it will be a clay project at the Hanners,
days to attend are May 10 and 12. Please
sign up before you leave tonight. Every member can make a pot.
Meeting – June 14 this will be the first of our Summer Garden Meetings.
Junes meeting will be held at Cathy Clarks’ home.
July and
August summer meetings – The July meeting will be held at the home of
Dyane Moore and August meeting will be held at Sandy Vukonich’s home.
Name badges – Sign
sheet if you need one. Badges are available for Sandy Vukonich, Melvyn Corner,
Kay Alderson, and Doug Pearce.
announcements – Next April 2019, Glen Pace will be doing a grafting
presentation, there will be a $10.00 per person if you would like to make one.
There will be more info to come at a later date.
Presentation – Aaron
Stouse, gave a slide presentation on The Waterfalls of Michigan.
Adjourned – 8:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels