Eastern Michigan
Hosta Society
September 14th,
Meeting Minutes
The Meeting – was held at Suncrest Pavilion in
Lapeer. This was our annual plant exchange.
Networking/Potluck – 4:30 pm, set up for potluck,
sign in stroll through the gardens and look over plants brought for the
exchange. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal.
Business Meeting – started at 5:51 pm. President
Glen Pace welcomed everyone. Members were asked if there were any changes
that needed to be made to the May meeting minutes, there were none. Robin
Bratton made a motion to accept the May meeting minutes, Pat Maitland seconded
the motion. Members voted and passed the May meeting minutes.
Hodgson was asked about the EMHS plant sale she was not prepared to give an
accounting. She said that next year we will have epimediums, hellebore
and several hosta for sale.
to lack of interest in the bus trip Carolyn Pickard had planned it was
cancelled. The members were asked how they felt about a spring plant
exchange, after some conversation the membership voted, and it passed.
The biggest question was where to have it at. Marlene Daniels suggested
we use the Suncrest Pavilion. Cathy Hodgson will check it out to see if it will
be available.
Glen Pace asked the people that had tours at their homes if they felt it was
successful and worth their time to get their gardens ready. All said it
was worth it and everyone seemed to enjoy the tours. One problem
that was brought up was lack of signs being available to get to the
gardens. President Glen Pace explained he was very busy and was sorry
that the signs were not put out. He suggested we buy more signs at the
price of $10.50 each and the participants in the garden tours take them home
with them and they would put them up the day of the tour. Mark Hanner made a
motion for the club to buy 10 signs at $10.50 each and Robin Bratton seconded
it. Membership voted and the motion passed. Sandy Vukonich suggested that sign
in sheets be available at every garden.
Treasurer’s Report – There was no treasurer's report
available tonight.
Other Business – Barb Hunter has stepped down from being
treasurer. President Glen Pace asked the membership if anyone would
please take the position. No one volunteered. President Glen Pace said
that he and Marlene Daniels the secretary, would take it on and get things in
order, hoping someone might think it over and volunteer at the next meeting.
Calendar of Events – Our next meeting will be October
12th the meeting will take place at Pace Gardens for a fall summer
color tour of his beautiful trees. November there will be no meeting. The
annual board meeting will meet on November 9th. Our next
meeting will be December 7th at the Mayfield Twp. Hall and it will
be our annual Christmas Party.
The EMHS 2024
Calendar of Events
2024 Meeting Dates-
Places- Speakers
Feb 08 – SPEAKER? Mayfiels Twp Hall
Mar -No Meeting, Hosta College
April 11 -__SPEAKER_?_Mayfield Twp Hall
May 09 -__SPEAKER_?_Mayfield Twp
June 13 - ________________________
July 11 - _________________________
Aug 08 - _________________________
Sept 12- EMHS Plant Exchange, at Suncrest
Oct 10- Mtg possible if we get a speaker
Nov 14- Board Meeting
Dec 12- Annual Christmas Party, Mayfield Twp. Hall Lapeer, MI
Break – 6:11 pm a 10-minute break to look at
plants available in the exchange.
Plant Exchange – 6:20 pm the plant exchange was a huge
success; everyone went home with some wonderful plants.
Adjourned – meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm