Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 2013 Newsletter

Note from the President- The next three months will be exciting ones for EMHS.  This month we get to visit the garden of another one of EMHS’s newer members, Rhonda Laur and we are looking forward to visiting her.  Next month is our Annual Plant Exchange which is always a lot of fast paced fun.  Then in October we have Joseph Tychonievich from Arrowhead Alpines coming to speak to us.  Since EMHS’s purpose “is to promote the interest of Hosta and shade gardening; to extend horticultural education and activities to its members and the community”, this meeting will be open to the public as an educational venue.   
We only have one more month before our annual plant exchange.  As always we ask you to not bring invasive plants to the meeting as they will not be permitted into the exchange.    We have changed the way the plant exchange is done this year, but you can rest assured that you will go home with a few plants to add to your garden.  This meeting is always a blast and everybody leaves with a new plant (sometimes many plants) to use in their own yard.  There are a couple of things to remember about this meeting; bring something to exchange, each membership (single, couple, or family) gets only one name in the drawing canister, look things over as the drawing is being held as we have to go fast to get finished before dark, don’t bring invasive species to trade, don’t bring any plants with known disease or insect infestation, the exchange is not limited to plants, be prepared to have fun, the drawing starts promptly at 6:30 and goes fast, the drawing will be extremely high speed so be ready to jump up and pick out a plant as this drawing goes FAST!

Please put a name label in each plant you bring to the exchange.  Also, please do not bring any invasive species such as Lily of the Valley, Houttuynia (Chameleon plant), Ostrich Ferns, Bishops Weed, etc.  Suggestions of plants to bring are Hosta, companion plants, ornamental trees/shrubs, or garden related items such as bird houses, ornaments, watering wands, etc.
I want to thank The Wischmeyer’s for hosting our July meeting.  Your kindness, hospitality, and numerous donations to the door prize and raffle drawings are greatly appreciated.  I also want to thank Maria Rowland, Mark & Becky Hanner, Stan & Mary Lou Smith, and Jim & Ellie Vrable for the many door and raffle prizes they donated to the club, to help raise funds. 
Congratulations to Joanna Kovalcsik and Mark Hanner for their ribbons won at the MHS Leaf Show on July 13th.  Joanna won Best Seedling or Sport Award and Mark won first place for both Best Container Grown Hosta and Best Trough Container Garden.  Page 5 of the MHS Hosta Happenings is attached to the end of this Newsletter so you can see the pictures of the winners. 

Please review the Minutes of the July Meeting prior to the August 8th meeting.  We will vote on the Minutes at the meeting.

Next Meeting- is on August 8h, 2013 at 6:00 PM at the home of Rhonda Laur, 6272 San Vito Dr, Otter Lake, MI 48464, Ph. 810-793-4024. 
            Driving Directions- from our regular meeting place of the Mayfield Twp. Hall in Lapeer;
North on M-24 9.3 miles to Otter Lake Rd.  Turn left (West) onto Otter Lake Rd and drive 4.9 miles to Marathon Rd.  Turn left (South) onto Marathon Rd and drive 0.4 miles to the first right, Cusenza Dr.  Turn right (West) onto Cusenza and drive to the first left (0.2 miles) which is San Vito Dr.  Turn left onto San Vito and the house (6272 San Vito) will be on the left.  Look for the EMHS Meeting sign.
Time schedule of the meeting is; tour the gardens from 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM, Refreshments will be served 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM, the business meeting will begin at 8:00 PM.   We ask that everybody please help clean up the refreshment area.  Everybody is to respect the home owner by leaving the premises no later than 9:00 PM.

Comments to the EMHS blog:  The following comment was published to the blog.
                christine ( has left a new comment on your post "June 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes":
                “Carolyn Pickard will have hasta Whee for sale at the August 8th meeting for $12.00. This is a hosta that many on the bust trip admired.”
*I am mentioning the blog posting here to let you know that your comments to the blog can be published too.  All you have to do is comment to a blog posting which will alert me that you have made a comment.  Once I deem the comment valid for publishing I will okay and it will automatically be posted.  Please note that I cannot edit or spell check your comments, all I can do is to publish, ignore, or delete your comments.  All comments will be screened by me to deter any vulgarity or inappropriate comments being published to the EMHS blog.    Glen

2013 Calendar of Events:
August 8th- EMHS Meeting, at Rhonda Laur’s in Otter Lake, MI
August 25th- MHS Annual Meeting/Workday,
            Hidden Lake Gardens, Tipton, MI
Sept. 12th- EMHS Plant Exchange, at the Hanner’s Otisville, MI
Oct. 10th- EMHS Meeting, Mayfield Twp. Hall,
            Speaker- Joseph Tychonievich
Nov 3rd- Hosta Hybridizers Group, Ann Arbor
            Matthieu Botanical Gardens
Nov- no EMHS meeting
December 12th- EMHS Christmas Party, Mayfield Twp. Hall

Seeking Nominations for Officer Position- We are seeking nominations for a new Vice-President.  Nominations will be accepted at the June meeting.
Please consider helping our organization by volunteering to be our new Vice-President.
The duties of the position are;
Vice President- Assumes the duties of President when the President is absent.  Co-signatory on EMHS checking account, helps set-up hall for meetings, sends thank you notes to speakers or hosts for current meeting. 

Club Members selling Hosta or related products;
Please call or email to set an appointment before visiting
Hanner, Mark/Becky- Pottery.  810-631-4292,
Hunter, Barb- Hosta, Daylilies, Pond supplies. 810-664-7531,
Lisik, Phil/Ginger-Hosta, Daylilies, other plants.  989-642-5772,
Moore, Dyane- Fairy houses
Pickard, Carolyn- Daylilies, Hosta.   989-871-2873,
Salk, Pat/Bill Kapustka, Daylilies.  810-678-3519,

Smith, Stan/Mary Lou, Concrete leaves, toad houses.  989-845-3455

Websites of Interest:
American Hosta Society-
American Hosta Society Convention Website-
AHS Hosta Library Website-
Michigan Hosta Society Website-
Eastern Michigan Hosta Society blog-
Hosta College Website-

Hosta Society Membership info-
American Hosta Society
,  $30 individual, $57/2 years, $34 family, $62/2 years
Send dues to: Sandie Markland, AHS Membership Secretary, Post Office Box 7539, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948

Michigan Hosta Society, 
Dues are $15 per household for up to two people, good for 2 years. Make checks payable to: The Michigan Hosta Society and send to; Michigan Hosta Society, 2509 Wembly Lane, Troy, MI 48084-1280

Eastern Michigan Hosta Society, Dues $5 per year per household, Make check payable to EMHS and mail to: Barb Hunter, EMHS Treasurer, 316 Davis Lake Rd. Lapeer, MI 48746

EMHS Board of Officers:
President                     Glen Pace                989-244-4029
Vice-President          Seeking volunteer   
Treasurer                    Barb Hunter                     810-664-7531
Secretary                     Marlene Daniels         810-664-8317
Past President             Mark Hanner                      810-631-4292
Fund-Raising              Mick and  Cathy Hodgson         810-664-8985

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