Note from the President- The first week of June brought frost to parts of Mid-Michigan, hopefully none of your plants were damaged by this unseasonably late onslaught by Mother Nature. Now that we are into the summer months of the year, we will be doing our garden tour meetings. All of our outdoor summer meetings are potluck meetings so please bring a dish to pass. Don’t forget to bring your own chair to the meetings. The meetings will begin at 6:00 PM with touring the specific garden we are visiting and end no later than 9:00 PM. Please be respectful of the home owners by throwing trash in receptacles, helping clean up after the meeting, and by leaving when the meeting is over unless you have been specifically invited to stay by the homeowner.
Our last meeting was my presentation on Woodland Wonders. I hope you all saw plants in that presentation that spurred an interest in this fascinating group of plants. For those that won one of the plants I donated, don’t be surprised if they go dormant earlier than you would expect as this is a self-preservation reaction by the plants. They should return next year in the early spring.
I want to thank those of you that visited Pace Gardens on May 22nd. If you were an early starter you got to tour the gardens and see some of what makes Pace Gardens unique, but if you decided to stay for the SVHS Meeting you got to hover under the front porch to stay dry.
The opener to our summer meetings this year will be a treat as we get to visit the gardens of Phil and Ginger Lisik. If you have never been to the Lisik’s you will be amazed. There are beautifully planted gardens throughout the property and a sales area that will have busy for some time deciding what you just have to take home. Don’t forget to bring your favorite dish to pass for the potluck as well as a chair to sit in.
I hope to see you at the June 13th meeting.
Glen Pace
EMHS President
Next Meeting- Our next meeting will be on June 13th at the home of Phil and Ginger Lisik, 1445 N. Iva Rd., Hemlock, MI 48626, Phone 989-642-5772. Touring the gardens will begin at 6:00 PM, Refreshments/Potluck will be served at 7:00 PM, and the Business Meeting will be at 8:00 PM.
Phil and Ginger have extensive gardens with pathways throughout to give you access to view the plants from many angles. They also have a large sales area so come prepared to pay via cash or check.
There are many ways to get from Lapeer area to Hemlock. I have given the route with the fewest turns and following main Michigan highways. This is neither the fastest nor the shortest way, just the one with the fewest turns.
Directions- From our regular meeting place at the Mayfield Twp. Hall- Drive North on M-24 for 24.8 miles to M-46 and turn left (West). Drive approximately 45 miles (this will take you through Saginaw) to N. Iva Road and turn right (North). Drive 1 mile to the Lisik’s on the left.
Seeking Nominations for Officer Position- We are seeking nominations for a new Vice-President. Nominations will be accepted at the June meeting.
Please consider helping our organization by volunteering to be our new Vice-President.
The duties of the position are; Vice President- Assumes the duties of President when the President is absent. Co-signatory on EMHS checking account, helps set-up hall for meetings, sends thank you notes to speakers or hosts for current meeting.
If you are interested in helping our club in this capacity you can call Glen, Mark, Marlene, Mick and Cathy, or Barb to ask any questions you may have prior to the meeting.
Interlochen Bus Trip- June 27th, 2013 There are a few seats still open for this trip. If you are interested in going please contact Carolyn Pickard at 989-871-2873 or Mary Smith at 989-871-9833. Your deposit of $25.00 must be paid ASAP to reserve your seat.
Itinerary;Bus will leave Meijer parking lot in Birch Run at 8:00 AM (loading begins at 0730)
Stop at McDonald’s in Clare for bathroom break at 9:30 AM
Arrive in Interlochen at 11:30
Stop for lunch in Interlochen
Arrive at Interlochen Perennial Farm at 1:30 PM, tour, shop and reload bus to leave by 3:30 PM
Arrive at Cedar Hedge Gardens, tour, shop, reload bus in 1.5-2 hours.
Arrive back in Birch Run around 8:00 PM
The May Meeting Minutes will be reviewed at the June Meeting and we will vote to accept the minutes at that time.
Hosta Stones- The last order for 2013 Hosta Stones will be placed soon, please order your stone now. The hybridizer for 2013 is "Indiana Bob" Balitewicz and the Hosta is Krugerrand. H. Krugerrand is a large, upright mound, thick bright gold foliage, large leaf 14 X 10 inches up to 171/2 X 131/2 inches, 17 vein pairs, ovate shape, moderately wavy. slightly corrugated, with pale lavender flowers. The official unveiling of the 2013 Hosta Stone was at Hosta College in Piqua, OH on March 15th, 2013.
There are 2012 Hosta Stones featuring Ron Livingston’s H. “Alakazaam” left this year. The price is $35.00 for each stone. We also have two 2011 Stones featuring Van Wade’s H. “American Halo” and one 2008 Stone featuring Gil Jones’ H. “Joshua’s Banner”. These stones are in natural color and are $30.00 each. If interested in purchasing any of these stones please call Cathy Hodgson at 810-664-8985.
2013 Calendar of Events:
June 13th- EMHS Meeting, at Phil/Ginger Lisik’s in Hemlock, MI
June 13-15th– AHS Nat’l Meeting, Milwaukee, WI
June 22nd- MHS Garden Walk
June 27th- EMHS Bus Trip to Interlochen
June 28-29th- Great Lakes Regional Tailgate, IN
July 11th- EMHS Meeting, at Helen Wischmeyer’s in Vassar
July 13th- MHS Leaf Show/Plant Sale, Lansing, MI
July 28th- Hosta Hybridizers Group, Ann Arbor
Matthieu Botanical Gardens
August 8th- EMHS Meeting, at Rhonda Laur’s in Otter Lake, MI
August 25th- MHS Annual Meeting/Workday,
Hidden Lake Gardens, Tipton, MI
Sept. 12th- EMHS Plant Exchange, at the Hanner’s Otisville, MI
October 10th- EMHS Meeting, Mayfield Twp. Hall, Speaker- Joseph Tychonievich
Nov 3rd- Hosta Hybridizers Group, Ann Arbor
Matthieu Botanical Gardens
Nov- no EMHS meetingDecember 12th- EMHS Christmas Party, Mayfield Twp. Hall
Club Members selling Hosta or related products;
Please call or email to set an appointment before visiting
Websites of Interest:
Hosta Society Membership info-
American Hosta Society, $30 individual, $57/2 years, $34 family, $62/2 years
Send dues to: Sandie Markland, AHS Membership Secretary, Post Office Box 7539, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
Michigan Hosta Society, Dues are $15 per household for up to two people, good for 2 years. Make checks payable to: The Michigan Hosta Society and send to; Michigan Hosta Society, 2509 Wembly Lane, Troy, MI 48084-1280
Eastern Michigan Hosta Society, Dues $5 per year per household, Make check payable to EMHS and mail to: Barb Hunter, EMHS Treasurer, 316 Davis Lake Rd. Lapeer, MI 48746
EMHS Board of Officers:
President Glen Pace
Vice-President Seeking volunteer
Treasurer Barb Hunter
Secretary Marlene Daniels
Past President Mark Hanner