Note from the President- The 2015 Michigan Hosta Society Garden Walk hosted by Eastern Michigan Hosta Society was a wonderful success. Each one of the gardens offered something for every visitor to enjoy. At the Hodgson’s visitors were able to view one of the most extensive collections of Hosta in the area as well as beautiful natural stones and Mick’s sculptures. Barb Hunter’s garden offered some of the most well grown Hosta specimens I have ever seen and some ingenious ways to label plants in both a permanent manner and for a special occasion. The Display Garden at Suncrest offered a place for the tour buses to unload and have a bagged lunch in the pavilion after viewing the public access display gardens that are cared for and maintained by local gardening groups and the public. The Daniel’s garden featured whimsical fairy gardens and well-manicured hosta beds, unique metal sculptures, and some unusual water features including a “raining tree”. At the Hanner’s garden attendees were treated to extensive gardens of large specimen Hosta and beds of unusual plants all framed by wood chipped pathways and highlighted by sculptures, brightly colored seating benches, and expertly manicured bonsai trees. Pace Gardens gave visitors a view of a true collector’s garden featuring multiple unusual and rare species of woodland dwelling plants from the US and the Orient, many selections of Japanese Maples, and a number of Ginkgo biloba varieties that evoked many questions the day of the tour.
In addition to the gardens featured that day, EMHS featured demonstrations at most of the tour sites and the instructors Mark Hanner, Gene Arms, and Glen Pace are applauded for their teaching. Also featured were artists at some sites; and Gene Arms at the Hodgson’s, Baha’s Pond and Garden at Barb Hunter’s, Stone Garden Pottery LLC at the Hanner’s, and (Rose Mary Hale’s Copper Wind Art) at Pace Gardens. We thank you all for your contribution to a wonderful tour.
I want to personally thank the EMHS members that helped garden owners in their gardens to prepare for the tour. Sincere thanks go out to Mary Smith, Paul Laidler, Teresa Dillon, Bruce and Linda Pollard, Elaine Rappley, Andrea Czarnik, John and Annette Gavit, and Gene Arms for working at one or more of the tour sites, getting dirty, and helping to make our gardens beautiful.
Another big thank you goes out to the many Members that worked at the tour sites the day of the tour. So Mary Smith, the Gavits’, the Major’s, the Pollards’, Carol Pittard, Dyane Moore, Cathy Myers, Linda Ballard, Jack Lamphere, the Arms’, Jan Giesken, and Teresa Dillon, EMHS thanks you for your help.
The cookie bakers and providers were; the Zawisas’, the Majors’, the Pollards’, the Balabons’, Mary Smith, Betty Valentine, Carolyn Pickard, Dyane Moore, Betty Stange, Julianne Sekerak, Pat Maitland, Judy Lamphere, the Arms’, Helen Wischmeyer, Linda Ballard, and Teresa Dillon. Thank you all for helping us make this tour a tasty one.
Lastly, I want to thank the attendees. We had visitors from local areas, from all over Michigan including buses from the west and south-west, as well as some people that drove from out of state, just to attend the Hosta Tour. It is because of you that we opened our gardens, that we shared our knowledge, and that we provided an opportunity to buy plants and garden related products to promote the interest of Hosta and shade gardening; to extend horticultural education and activities to its members and the community.
Now EMHS will begin its summer Member’s Gardens meetings. Our July meeting will be at the home of Melva Bond. Melva has been working in her gardens since early this spring to prepare it for this meeting and has informed me that I am going to be surprised at the changes that have occurred since I last saw it in the early part of May. I look forward to seeing these gardens again and look forward to our first summer meeting in this portion of the membership area.
See you at the July 9th meeting,
Glen Pace
EMHS President
Glen Pace
EMHS President
Summer Meetings- Remember that our summer meetings are potluck and that we need to bring our own chairs. The club furnishes plates, flatware, and cups, but we need to provide food and drinks. Also, please help clean-up after the meeting.
Next Meeting- will be held on July 9th at the home of Melva Bond, 3122 Ramond, Saginaw, MI 48601. Melva lives in Bridgeport just off Dixie Hwy.Directions from Lapeer;Take I-69 West to I-75 North.
Take I-75 27.7 miles North to Exit 144B (Bridgeport/Dixie Hwy)
Turn right on to Dixie Hwy. and drive 1.8 miles to Gretchen St.
Turn left onto Gretchen and drive 0.1 miles to Egan St.
Turn right onto Egan St. and follow around the curve to the left (turns into Ramond)
Destination will be on the left
Parking will be across the street on the right in the open field.
The gardens will open at 5:00 PM for Viewing/Networking, Dinner at 6:00 PM, and Business Meeting at 7:00 PM.
Take I-75 27.7 miles North to Exit 144B (Bridgeport/Dixie Hwy)
Turn right on to Dixie Hwy. and drive 1.8 miles to Gretchen St.
Turn left onto Gretchen and drive 0.1 miles to Egan St.
Turn right onto Egan St. and follow around the curve to the left (turns into Ramond)
Destination will be on the left
Parking will be across the street on the right in the open field.
The gardens will open at 5:00 PM for Viewing/Networking, Dinner at 6:00 PM, and Business Meeting at 7:00 PM.
2015 Calendar of Events
July 09- Member Garden Tour, at
Melva Bond’s in Bridgeport, MI
Melva Bond’s in Bridgeport, MI
August 13- Member Garden Tour at
Dyane Moore’s in Vassar
Dyane Moore’s in Vassar
September 10- Annual Plant Exchange, at
the Martilla’s in Lapeer
the Martilla’s in Lapeer
Oct 08- Mayfield Twp. Hall, EMHS/SVHS
Speaker Gene Bush
Speaker Gene Bush
Nov 12- Annual Board Meeting
December 10- Christmas Party at
Mayfield Twp. Hall
Mayfield Twp. Hall
Meeting Minutes- Marlene will read the May Meeting Minutes at the July 9th meeting. We will vote to accept the minutes at the July 9th, 2015 meeting.
Name Badges- If you need one of the new EMHS name badges, please put your printed name on the sign-up sheet at any meeting or you can email Glen with your request. Glen will try to have your name badge at the next meeting.
The EMHS T-shirts featuring Joseph Tychonievich's Hosta Addiction self-test are $18.00 each for an EMHS Member and $20.00 each for a non-member. Sizes available are XXL and XXXL.
The proceeds from the sale of this shirt go to promote our “Purpose” which is, to promote the interest of hostas and shade gardening; to extend horticultural education and activities to its members and the community.
Comments to the EMHS blog: I am mentioning blog posting to let you know that your comments to the blog can be published too. All you have to do is go to the EMHS blog at and comment to a blog posting which will alert me that you have made a comment. Once I deem the comment valid for publishing I will okay and it will automatically be posted. Please note that I cannot edit or spell check your comments, all I can do is to publish, ignore, or delete your comments. All comments will be screened by me to deter any vulgarity or inappropriate comments being published to the EMHS blog. Glen
EMHS Business Cards- are still available for members to take for promoting the club. Ask any Board Member for details.
Club Members selling Hosta or related products;
Please call or email to set an appointment before visiting
Daniels, Marlene- Bottle wind chimes.
Hanner, Mark/Becky- Pottery.
Hunter, Barb- Hosta, Daylilies, Pond supplies.
Lisik, Phil/Ginger-Hosta, Daylilies, other plants.
Pickard, Carolyn- Daylilies, Hosta.
989-871-2873, robfamily5
Salk, Pat/Bill Kapustka- Daylilies.
Smith, Stan/Mary Lou- Concrete leaves.
Websites of Interest:
American Hosta Society-
American Hosta Society Convention-
AHS Hosta Library Website-
Michigan Hosta Society Website-
Michigan Hosta Society Website-
Eastern Michigan Hosta Society blog-
Eastern Michigan Hosta Society blog-
Hosta College Website-
Hosta Society Membership info-
American Hosta Society, $30 individual, $57/2 years, $34 family, $62/2 years
Send dues to: Sandie Markland, AHS Membership Secretary, Post Office Box 7539, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
Michigan Hosta Society, Dues are $15 per household for up to two people, good for 2 years. Make checks payable to: The Michigan Hosta Society and send to; Michigan Hosta Society, 2509 Wembly Lane, Troy, MI 48084-1280
Eastern Michigan Hosta Society, Dues $5 per year per household, Make check payable to EMHS and mail to: Barb Hunter, EMHS Treasurer, 316 Davis Lake Rd. Lapeer, MI 48746
Saginaw Valley Hosta Society, Dues $20 per year per household, Make check payable to SVHS and mail to: Marge Greskowiak, SVHS Treasurer, 10025 Lakewood Dr., Saginaw, MI 48609
EMHS Board of Officers:
President Glen Pace 989-244-4029 989-244-4029
Vice-President Becky Hanner 810-631-4292 810-631-4292
Treasurer Barb Hunter 810-664-7531 810-664-7531
Secretary Marlene Daniels 810-664-8317 810-664-8317
Past President Mark Hanner 810-631-4292 810-631-4292
Fund-Raising Mick & Cathy Hodgson 810-664-8985