The Meeting
– was held at the Mayfield Twp. Hall
– 5:00 PM, setup refreshments, sign in and buy raffle tickets
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM
by President Glen
Pace Refreshments only were served and enjoyed
by EMHS & SVHS members.
– Gene Bush gave a slide presentation and spoke about Chasing the Rare and
Unusual in Shade Garden, with questions immediately after.
Break – 7:42
Business Meeting – the meeting was called back to order by President Glen Pace
Approval of Minutes – There were no corrections to the minutes from the September 10,
2015 meeting. Motion to accept the
minutes was made by Becky Hanner and seconded by Darlene Nadane. The membership voted to accept the September
Treasurer’s report – There was no treasurer report given by Barb Hunter.
Calendar of Events – No November meeting is scheduled, but the board will meet on
November 12, 2015.
December 10, 2015 will
be our annual Christmas Party to be held at Mayfield Twp. Hall.
February 11, 2016 –
Mayfield Twp. Hall speaker Don LaFond
T-Shirts – EMHS/Hosta Addiction
tee shirts are still available see Glen Pace for information.
Name Badges
– sign sheet if you need one. First one
free and replacements are $2.00 each.
Next Meeting
– will be December 10, 2015 at Mayfield Twp. Hall and is our annual Christmas
Party. We will have a gift exchange for
those that want to participate. The club
will provide the meat. Please bring a
dish to pass.
Other announcements – Bill Kapuska gave a brief talk on the Asian Longhorned Beetle
that is attacking trees in the United States.
He also had literature for everyone, so we can all be on the lookout for
this dangerous beetle.
Bloomfield Hills MI
Regional Lily sale is going to be taking place on October 10th. For more information go to
Raffle – brought in $__.__
– 8:20
Respectfully submitted
Marlene Daniels