The Meeting
was held at the home of Diana O’Riordan on August 14, 2014
and viewing of Diana’s gardens began at 5:00 pm
Potluck/Refreshment were served at 6:35 pm
Business Meeting was called to order at 7:26 pm by President Glen Pace. Thanks to Diana O’Riordan for opening her
home and gardens were given, also for the yummy grilled hamburgers. Diana was also presented her hosta stone as a
thank you for hosting our group.
Approval of Minutes - There were no corrections to the minutes from the July 2014
meeting. Motion to accept minutes was made by Cathy Meyers and seconded by
Steve Balabon. The membership voted to
accept the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Barb Hunter, treasurer, July 2014, the club had a beginning
balance of $----, $---- was added and expenses were $----, leaving the
club with an ending balance of $----.
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Carol Leonard and
seconded by Wanda Rybak. The membership
voted to accept the treasury report.
Name Badges
– signup sheet was available. Christina
Withrow, Linda Ballard, Venisure Davenport all picked up their badges.
T-Shirts – EMHS/Hosta Addiction,
$18.00 each (member price) and $20.00 for non-members
Hosta Stones-
featuring Hans Hansen’s H. “Joy Ride” – Members $30 & $35
*Stone Sale 2013 – 3 Iron $30 each, 2012 – 2 Brown $30
each, 2011 – 1 Natural $25 each
*Stone Stands – 1 left -
$20 each
September Plant Exchange-Glen Pace reminded people to get their plants ready for the
exchange in September, and also reminded the membership not to bring any
invasive plants. A $5.00 table of choice
plants will be available.
Club News
– Thank you to the Jessop’s for their generous gift of a daylily to each paid
member. Cathy Hodgson had a beautiful
presentation for next year’s hosta stone available. The two Hostas that were presented were Rhino
Hide and Allegan Fog. The membership
voted and D. Rawson’s H. “Rhino Hide” will be next year’s stone.
Raffle/Door prizes – thank you to the following for donating items for our raffle
and door prizes –Teresa Dillon, Gene Arms, Dyane Moore and Wanda Rybak. We made $---- from our raffle.
Next Meeting
– will be September 11th, held at the home of Pam Walmley’s in Grand
Blanc, this is also our annual plant exchange.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55, Cathy Myers made the motion and the entire club seconded it.
Respectfully submitted,
Marlene Daniels, EMHS
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