Thursday, November 6, 2014

October 9, 2014 Meeting Minuites

The Meeting was held at the Mayfield Twp. Hall in Lapeer, MI on October 9th, 2014

Networking began at 5:00 PM

Called to Order at 6:00 PM.  Everybody welcomed and visitors introduced themselves. 

Potluck/Refreshments were served at 6:00 PM

Meeting called back to Order at 6:50 PM and President Glen Pace introduced Dr. Tony Reznicek as the speaker.

Presentation: “Woodland Treasures from China- in the Wild and in the Garden” by Dr Anton (Tony) Reznicek

Business Meeting Glen Pace welcomed new members from last month’s meeting as well as Joyce Dowd visiting this meeting.  

Approval of Minutes – There were no corrections to the minutes from the September 2014 meeting.  Motion to accept minutes was made by Elaine Rappley and seconded by Cathy Hodgson.  The membership voted to accept the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report – Barb Hunter, treasurer was absent and President Glen Pace gave the Treasurer’s Report.  The club had a beginning balance of $-------. $----- in Dues and $------ from the September Plant Exchange was added.  There were no expenses for September.  The end balance for September is $------.  Motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Mark Hanner and seconded by Jan Zawisa.  The membership voted to accept the Treasurer’s Report.

Name badges – signup sheet was available.  Glen apologized for forgetting to make badges for the members that joined at the September meeting. 

T-Shirts – EMHS/Hosta Addiction, were available in 2 sizes XXL-XXXL.  The shirts are $18.00 each for paid members and $20.00 for non-members.

Hosta Stones – featuring Hans Hansen’s H. “Joy Ride” Members prices are $30 & $35
2012 – The club has 3 Iron and 2 Brown stones still available.  There are no other additional stones or stands in inventory.

2015 Hosta Stone – will feature Don Rawson’s Hosta “Rhino Hide”.  The artist has the pictures and is aware of a small order for delivery before the December meeting.  See Cathy Hodgson to reserve a stone.

Announcements – Mick and Cathy Hodgson were selling plugs of H. “Permafrost” ($2.00 ea) that they acquired when they and Gene Arms visited Q&Z before it closed. 

Rick Goodenough is to speak at the Hosta Hybridizers group on November 2nd at 10:00 AM at Matthaei Botanical Gardens in Ann Arbor.  The presentation is “The Top Ten”. 

Next Meeting – will be December 11th, 2014 at the Mayfield Twp. Hall in Lapeer, MI.  This is our annual Christmas Party.  We will do the gift exchange again this year.  To take part just bring a non-gender specific gift worth $10.00.

The Raffle and Door Prize Drawings were held. 

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 with a motion by Elaine Rappley and motion second by Andrea Czarnik.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hanner
Fill-In Recording Secretary

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